Play by Ear
We believe that musical sensitivity is a common gift, and can be discovered by singing, dancing, playing old games and preparing theatre performances. We focus on preserving the most precious elements of the multicultural Polish tradition and try to adapt it creatively to our times, so that it lives on.We create musical, theatrical and educational events – „Little Mazurkas”, „Kusy Janek”, „Brother and Sister”, „Bird Wedding”, „Dragon’s Lullybie” – publish CDs with lullabies, songs and games that develop childrens musical activity. We plan (besides new recordings and performances) to create the International Net of people and organizations, playing with children and exchanging experiences. ( Z myślą o tym projekcie, od kilku lat organizujemy dziecięcą część festiwalu Wszystkie Mazurki Świata – Małe Mazurki, oraz prowadzimy grupę na FB “Traditional Art for Kids” ) ???